A 55-year old man reduced signs of Alzheimer’s in his blood through lifestyle changes and a personalized regime of supplements and medications.

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Health officials are advising that customers who may have interacted with the infected grocery store worker should receive a hepatitis A vaccine.

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In emergency rooms and intensive care units nationwide, healthcare professionals must quickly decide on antibiotics for patients suspected of having severe infections. A recent study from the University of Michigan indicates that these rapid decisions could l…

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The Washington Post

His work helped identify — and eliminate from much of the world — a disease that can cause catastrophic birth defects and fetal death.

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Yahoo Entertainment

The CDC is ramping up surveillance for mpox in the U.S., as a deadlier form of the disease spreads rapidly through the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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The Boston Globe

In some ways, the preliminary results are reassuring, some public health experts said.

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A new coronavirus variant is spreading through the U.S., according to the CDC. KP.2, also known as the "FLiRT" variant, is a mutation of the Omicron strain. ...

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The Times of India

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a chronic medical condition where the force of blood against artery walls is consistently too high and requir

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Researchers at Albert Einstein College of Medicine discovered that brain inflammation and DNA damage in hippocampal neurons are essential for forming long-term memories, challenging the traditional view that inflammation is solely harmful.

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Fox News

Not sleeping enough could cause your appetite to spike, experts say. A nutritional biologist discusses how poor quality of sleep could be making you hungry, and how to break the cycle.

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ZANESVILLE, Ohio – The Muskingum County Courthouse is one of the tallest structures in downtown Zanesville and routinely changes the color of its night time lighting to recognize various causes being supported in the community.    May is National Ehlers-Danlo…

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Organ transplants recipients often report changes in their personality traits or preferences. This phenomenon may be influenced by hormonal and neurochemical factors, immune responses, and potential memory integration, though the exact mechanisms remain uncle…

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Extreme temperatures, poor sleep due to warmer nights, and adverse weather events can worsen neurological and psychiatric disorders, increasing hospitalizations and mortality.

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Medical Xpress

A strict "keto-friendly" diet popular for weight loss and diabetes, depending on both the diet and individual, might not be all that friendly.

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Recent research has found that playing video games regularly is linked to better navigation skills. The new study provides insight into how modern technology influences our cognitive functions, specifically in terms of wayfinding ability.

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CBS News

Health authorities are watching for signs the virus might be starting to accelerate again after a springtime lull in COVID rates.

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A trial vaccine has succeeded in generating low levels of antibodies needed to target HIV. It’s a first but much-needed step toward preventing infection.

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Associated Press

Tick season is starting across the U.S., and experts are warning the bloodsuckers may be as plentiful as ever. That's because of a another mild winter and other favorable factors. Experts are mostly concerned about the increasingly common blacklegged tick, wh…

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